What is Lead Nurturing?
Lead Nurturing is the process by which you will improve your authority and relationship with your leads effortlessly. By feeding engaging content to your new leads automatically, you will keep them interested and excited about what you offer. Some benefits include:
• Increased lead to sales opportunity rate: In a Forrester Research report, companies who excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost.
• Send more qualified leads to your sales team: According to SiriusDecisions, 70% of leads will originate from the web by 2015. Taking time to contact and educate each one is valuable, but very expensive if you have real sales staff doing that.
• Only engage with leads when they’re ready: According to Tippit, only in the last third of the buying process do buyers want to actually speak to a salesperson. Trying to engage them earlier costs money, time, and is a bother to the person.
- Think carefully about what words you make into links. Verbs are more powerful than nouns or adjectives. Have one strong call-to-action at the top of your message that is linked with the verb and the words right after it. For example:
See our newest blog article.
See our newest blog article.
Calls to action with a verb at the beginning will be more powerful than one without. - If you're blogging, recent blog articles are great content to hook leads back into your website. Do you have a popular post that you want to continue to push views and comments to? This is a great way to invite people into your blog and get them to read more of your content. This will establish your authority on the subject with them, and invite them to engage. If you aren't blogging yet, think about what pages on your website might create the same affect. Do you have a webvoter, or pages where you give advice or tips to people in the field?
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