martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

¿Qué tengo que saber para poder operar en la plataforma de MercadoPago?

Una vez que hayas generado tus primeras ventas en tu tienda, podrás ver tu dinero disponible en tu cuenta de MercadoPago. Por eso, es importante que conozcas alguno de los tips más importantes para operar en la plataforma.

Te contamos paso a paso cómo hacer para configurar tu cuenta, verificar tu saldo disponible y realizar transferencias de dinero.

1. ¿Qué es MercadoPago?
2. Una vez que realizo una venta, ¿cuándo tendré mi saldo disponible?
3. ¿Cómo me convierto en usuario profesional para disponer en 2 días de mi dinero?
4. ¿Cómo configuro mis preferencias para retirar mi dinero?
5. ¿Cómo transfiero el dinero a mi cuenta bancaria?
6. ¿Cómo visualizo mis facturas de MercadoPago?

¿Qué es MercadoPago?

Que es MercadoPago

Una vez que realizo una venta, ¿cuándo tendré mi saldo disponible?

Podrás retirar tu dinero entre 12 y 21 días después de que se haya acreditado el pago.

Si eres usuario profesional, tu dinero estará disponible a los 2 días después de que se acredite, sin importar el tipo de operación.

Tu dinero en 3 pasos:

  • Cuando se acredita un pago, ya será parte de tu dinero en cuenta
  • Luego se libera y podrás disponer de tu saldo.
  • ¡Y listo! Si quieres lo retiras a tu cuenta bancaria.

¿Cómo me convierto en usuario profesional para disponer en 2 días de mi dinero?

Cumplir con al menos uno de los siguientes requisitos:

  1. Tener 30 puntos en MercadoLibre con 94 % de calificaciones positivas sobre el total de las calificaciones.
  2. Tener 30 puntos por cobros en MercadoPago.
  3. Pagar un cargo de verificación de $ 100.

¿Cómo configuro mis preferencias para retirar mi dinero?

Cuando quieras agregar una nueva cuenta bancaria:

Ingresa a Mi Cuenta > Datos de Mi Cuenta> Información Bancaria>Preferencias de retiro.

Preferencias de retiro

¿Cómo transfiero el dinero a mi cuenta bancaria?

Para poder retirar dinero, debes tener saldo disponible.

Ingresa a Cobros > Retirar dinero de MercadoPago y elige el monto que deseas retirar.

Dentro de los 3 días hábiles recibirás el dinero.

Retirar dinero de MPago

Es importante aclarar que únicamente puedes hacer transferencias a cuentas bancarias del país en donde se encuentre registrada tu tienda.

Cómo retiro dinero de MercadoPago

¿Cómo visualizo mis facturas de MercadoPago?

Ingresando a tu cuenta de MercadoPago, podrás acceder al listado de facturas online que te emitimos por nuestra comisión.

Podés acceder a las mismas desde Mi Cuenta > Movimientos de Mi Cuenta > Listado de facturas online

Factura MercadoPago

¿Cómo registrar y delegar tu dominio a MercadoShops?

MercadoShops te permite tener tu tienda con tu propio dominio, es decir: en lugar de utilizar el subdominio que te ofrecemos “” utilizar tu nombre exclusivo en la web ““.

Te recomendamos aprovechar esta funcionalidad y utilizar un dominio propio para darle más profesionalismo a tu tienda, utilizando tu nombre “exclusivo”.
Si no tenés conocimientos técnicos y las palabras “dominio” y “delegación” suenan amenazantes, aquí te facilitamos dos guías paso a paso para que puedas realizar el proceso sin problemas:

¿No registraste tu dominio todavía?

Podés registrar tu dominio “” de forma gratuita, sin necesidad de contratar un servicio de hosting y luego delegarlo a tu MercadoShop. Mirá cómo a continuación

¿Ya tenés tu propio dominio?

Mira cómo delegarlo a tu MercadoShop.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Why Marketers Must Optimize Emails for HTML AND Plain Text

 Most email service providers (ESPs) today allow marketers to easily draft visually striking HTML emails using simple WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") editing tools, making it all too-easy to dismiss traditional, plain text emails as un-important. But if you think plain text emails are a thing of the past, you might want to think again. Plain text still has its place in the email world, so before you completely discredit its importance to your future email marketing sends, keep reading. We'll discuss the importance of drafting emails that render well in both plain text and HTML, as well as our top tips for designing both HTML and plain text versions of your emails.

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Plain Text

Sure, it's tempting to create fancy HTML emails, especially considering you don't need to be a developer these days to do it. But according to email service provider MailChimp, there are five great reasons why you still need to consider plain text.

1) Some Browsers, Email Clients & Mobile Devices Can't Handle HTML

As the infographic reminded us, because of factors like bandwidth and functionality, not all email clients, browsers, and mobile devices that support email are sophisticated enough to display formatting like HTML properly. When marketers fail to optimize their email for both versions, what happens is a broken design and an undecipherable, ineffective email. 

2) Some People Prefer It

Plain and simple. Some people would rather avoid all the bells and whistles and just read the message. While many email clients allow you to make HTML email the default setting, some also enable users to only view emails in plain text. Not solving for this type of email subscriber puts marketers at risk of alienating a portion of their subscriber base.

3) Some Email Types Lend Themselves to Plain Text

Creating HTML emails -- even using simple tools like WYSIWYG editors -- understandably takes more time than creating plain text emails. Because of the extra time and effort it takes a marketer to draft a good-looking HTML email, there are some times when it just isn't worth it. For example, if you send simple, daily email alerts with content such as news feeds or quick links, or if you send email very frequently, plain text is a more efficient way to go.

4) SPAM Filters Like to See Plain Text

When a SPAM filter sees an HTML email without a plain text counterpart, it's more likely to suspect the email to be SPAM, since it's an indication of a "lazy spammer." In other words, failing to include a plain text version of your email is a red flag to SPAM filters.

5) It's Safer for Transactional Messages

When HTML emails include click trackers, it's not uncommon for email clients to warn recipients against "potential privacy threats" or a potential "phishing attempt." Therefore, when sending transactional emails, stick to plain text emails, or you could put yourself at risk of a damaged reputation.

Luckily, most popular email service providers -- including HubSpot's email tool -- enable marketers to edit and customize both the HTML and plain text versions of their emails, making it unnecessary to completely give up the visually appealing benefits of HTML emails for the sake of plain text.

And even if your email service provider doesn't require you to create a plain text version when designing an HTML email, it's a best practice to create a plain text version regardless, for all of the reasons we just mentioned above. When you optimize both HTML and plain text versions of your email, you ensure that anyone can read it, regardless of their default settings, email client, browser, or mobile device's capabilities. That being said, there are still a few things you should keep in mind when creating each version of your emails.

Tips for Designing HTML Versions of Email 

1) Assign Clear Alt Text to Images

As we saw with the Groupon example above, even if your recipients' email client does support some HTML formatting, it may not always take kindly to images in email. Try to avoid image-heavy emails, and when you do include images, be sure to tag the image with alt text that clearly denotes what the image is. It's not uncommon for the alt text to show up in place of the image, and when this is the case, it's helpful to give recipients an idea of what the image was supposed to portray.

2) Make Sure Email is Comprehensive Without Images

To piggy-back off our last tip, avoid using images to display important information. As a general rule of thumb, think about how your email would look if the images didn't display. Would your recipients be able to obtain the same information as they would have if the images did display? If not, re-think your email. If you include a call-to-action (CTA) image button as we did in the HubSpot example earlier in this post, include a text-based CTA in the post as well. Failing to do so will mean you'll take a hit in the traffic and/or leads you were hoping to generate from the image CTAs in your email if they fail to render.

3) Avoid CSS in Emails

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a type of coding language that is more complicated than HTML. Because not all email clients/browsers accept the same codes, and because email doesn't tend to be as sophisticated as a web browser, including CSS in email tends to be a recipe for rendering disaster. For more information about how different email clients support CSS, see this overview from CampaignMonitor.

4) Use Plain Text-Style Bullets

In addition to images, another element that tends to break in HTML email renderings are HTML-style bullets.

You know, those nice-looking
rounded or square bullets
that look like this?
So rather than running the risk of invisible or wonky bullets, use a plain text alternative such as asterisks (*) or dashes (—) that are more likely to show up no matter what.

5) Don't Copy & Paste Text From Other Word Processors

Oh, the formatting horror! Raise your hand if you've ever suffered the frustration of copying and pasting text from a Word document into your ESP. I know mine is raised. Doing so carries over formatting from within the word processor, and funks up the text within your ESP. Your safest bet is to start from scratch and craft copy directly within your ESP.

6) Be Wary of Dark Background Colors

While blocks of color can add a pretty design element to your email, be careful. Say you decided to create your entire email -- or just a section -- with a dark gray background. To make the text readable, you selected white as your font color. Now what happens when your recipient's email client doesn't render that background color? Invisible text! Lesson: the visibility of your email's copy should never depend on the background color of your email.

7) Always Include a Link to the Web Version

Many ESPs will enable you to create a web-based version of your email. Include this link in your email send. That way, if the images or anything else isn't rendering properly for your recipients, they can easily click over to the web-based version and see exactly what you intended.

More Landing Pages Means More Conversion Opportunities

 Quite simply, the more landing pages you have on your website, the more opportunities you have to convert site visitors into leads. There's also a huge SEO benefit to having more landing pages, which can have an impact even before visitors land on your website. Think about it: The more landing pages you have, the more landing pages will be indexed in search. And if a searcher stumbles upon a search result that directs them straight to one of your landing pages, you'll have essentially cut out the extra step of a visitor perusing your site and needing to click on a call-to-action to get to that same landing page. In other words, the pathway from discovery to conversion has much less friction. And do you know what happens when there's less friction? You generate more leads.

2) More Landing Pages Means More Variety

You've all heard that saying, "variety is the spice of life," right? Yep -- it applies to marketing, too. Consider it from your visitors' perspective. Say you're visiting a business' website, and you surf on over to its "Resources" section (you know, where a business might organize all its offers and their respective landing pages). Now let's also say that "Resources" page only features 5 -- or even 10, according to the research cited above -- offers because, well, those are the only offers this particular business has available. And maybe none of those offers really appeal to you, because well ... there's just not enough variety. So you go on your web browsing way, abandoning the site without converting on anything. And hey, the same thing will happen if that business only has CTAs for a few offers placed throughout your website or promoted via their other marketing channels. If none of them tickle your fancy as a visitor, you're probably not going to convert.

In a nutshell, don't let this happen to you. Creating more landing pages means you'll have a wider variety of offers for your visitors to convert on and for you to promote, which leads us to reason number three ...

3) More Landing Pages Means More Marketing Collateral

The more landing pages you have, the more offers you'll have to fuel the rest of your inbound marketing efforts. Remember, content is the heart and soul of any successful inbound marketing strategy. Without it, you'd have nothing to email your contacts, nothing to share with your social media fans and followers, nothing to promote through your website calls-to-action, nothing by which to get found and rank for your keywords in search. The more offers -- and landing pages to house those offers -- you have, the more (and more effective) inbound marketing you can do. And because reason number two (variety) is also a big factor in this, the more landing pages you have, the more prospects you'll be able to capture as leads for your business.

4) More Landing Pages Means More Targeting Opportunities

Segmentation matters -- and not just when it comes to email marketing. But when you identify various different buyer personas and segments within your audience, you have the opportunity to better appeal to those different audiences' interests and needs with more targeted and relevant offers. And to leverage this savvy thinking, face it: You need more landing pages. So what naturally ends up happening for marketers who build up a big arsenal of 40+ landing pages, is they start to create more segment-specific content that, because it's highly relevant to different parts of their audience, is much better able to convert visitors into leads.

How to Increase the Number of Landing Pages on Your Site

"I get it, I get it: More landing pages is better. But how can I go about cranking out more of those bad boys?" So glad you asked! 

1) Invest in a Landing Page Creation Tool (And Control Over Your Website)

Let's address one of marketers' biggest landing page creation roadblocks first. According to MarketingSherpa's Landing Page Handbook (2nd edition), the number one reason businesses don't use landing pages is because their marketing department doesn't know how to set them up, or they are too overloaded. If you're nodding your head in agreement, you absolutely positively need to invest in a tool that enables you to quickly and easily create optimized landing pages. This involves taking control of your website, so if it takes you weeks to get a landing page created (or even just edited) because you have to go through some third party resource like a webmaster to make changes for you, put an end to that as soon as possible. Inbound marketing requires agility, and you'll never become an agile marketer if you're dependent on someone else to get things done for you. Plus, I hear HubSpot has a pretty sweet and easy-to-use Landing Page tool (*wink wink*).

2) Create More Offers

I'm just gonna give it to you straight. You can't just go around slapping together a ton of new landing pages, no matter how motivated you are to reap those "more is better" results. You're going to need offers (and good ones, at that) to go along with them. Keep in mind that landing pages are simply the gateways for your marketing offers, so in order to increase your site's number of landing pages, you need to increase offer creation, too. And don't get me wrong, this is going to take you some time and effort, but it's also absolutely necessary if you want larger gains in lead generation.

Before you start creating new offers, take a look at the offers you already have, and identify where you might have some holes. Do you have offers to suit prospects at each different stage in your marketing and sales funnel? Do you have offers in a variety of different formats (e.g. webinars vs. ebooks vs. templates vs. videos, etc.)? Do they cover various different topics your target audience cares about? Once you've identified what your holes are, then you can start filling in the gaps. To learn more about offer creation, check out this blog post about how to create marketing offers that don't fall flat.

3) Tweak the Offers You Already Have to Cater to Individual Personas

Okay -- so you're going to have to create a bunch more offers to leverage the lead-gen power of an increase in landing pages. But here's a little saving grace: not all of these offers need to be created from scratch. In fact, if you already have a few general offers on your hands but also know that you have a few different buyer personas that you market to, one great way to increase your number of offers (and as a result, landing pages) is to tweak your existing offers to cater to each of your different personas. As you're doing this, reposition the content and create a landing page that caters to that persona's individual needs, problems, and interests; adjust the offer's formatting, depth, and length; modify language and tone; and incorporate industry/persona-specific examples -- all of which we elaborate on in this very post about how to tailor offer content to suit individual personas.

And once you have a variety of persona-specific marketing offers, then you can segment your prospects by persona and nurture them with the right offers through tools like email marketing, or dynamic CTAs on your various web pages. 

4) Repurpose Content You Already Have

While we're on the topic of tweaking existing content, don't overlook the fact that there are a lot of different ways to create new offers using content you already have, saving you the time and effort of building a brand new offer from the ground up. Some great offer ideas pulled from our article, "The Time-Crunched Marketer's Guide to Creating Lead-Gen Offers" include creating a blog bundle by pulling together a compilation of your best blog posts around a given topic, making a data compilation of interesting industry research and data you've already collected, turning an educational PPT presentation you've given into a downloadable PDF or a live webinar, recording an interview, creating an FAQ-driven ebook, etc.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


Si todavía no has oído hablar de este término y, sobre todo, si estás pensando en armar una tienda online, deberías leer con mucha atención este post. 
De forma resumida se puede decir que el dropshipping es una manera de armar negocios online o e-commerce, cuya principal característica es que no se requiere tener tienda física, ni stock, ni realizar una gran inversión en cuanto a papeleo y demás asuntos que sí que hay que llevar a cabo en un negocio tradicional. 

Aca estan los aspectos fundamentales para un buen Dropshipping

Atención al cliente

Debido a que la entrega de su producto está fuera de su control, puede encontrarse con
problemas de atención al cliente cuando no recibe su producto a tiempo. Cuando usted
maneja el stock de sus artículos, siempre puede asegurarse de que sus productos serán
entregados en el momento oportuno.

Al acordar el envío, el control de las devoluciones puede ser una molestia enorme
también. A pesar de que sus clientes están comprando realmente sus productos desde la
góndola minorista, usted es responsable de tratar con los objetos perdidos o rotos. Una
vez que reciba una devolución, tendrá que negociar con el proveedor minorista la forma
de manejar el producto devuelto.

El peligro real de este tipo de envío y ventas, es que usted no tiene absolutamente
ningún control sobre la calidad o la entrega de sus productos. Sobre todo cuando su
tienda se encuentra en sus primeras etapas y tratar de establecer una reputación, es
absolutamente crucial que usted entregue y de soporte y así satisfacer a sus clientes.

Los márgenes de beneficio son menores

En el “Drop Shipping”, la ganancia que se obtiene es la diferencia entre su precio de
venta y el costo mayorista del artículo. Dado que el proveedor minorista tiene la carga
del inventario y otros costos relacionados, su costo de los bienes será mucho mayor que
si usted fuera a comprar esos mismos productos a granel y almacenarlos en su tienda.
Por supuesto, almacenar sus propios productos conlleva un riesgo mayor si sus artículos
no se venden por lo que es definitivamente algo a evaluar. Este riesgo, sin embargo está
un tanto atenuado si decide vender un producto que no se vuelve obsoleto.


Dado que es tan fácil de lanzar un sitio web y colocar elementos de una variedad de
fabricantes, la competencia será feroz. Muchas de estas compañías de “Drop Ship”
ofrecen una variedad de fotografías muy buenas de sus artículos que se ofrecen sin
costo para que se usen en su sitio web. Puesto que todos tienen acceso a estas fotos, las
fotos del producto serán idénticas a las de sus competidores por lo que es más difícil de
diferenciar su sitio.


De las 3 razones anteriores, la atención al cliente es la más importante. Cuando usted
está tomando una decisión de si conviene revender o almacenar sus propios artículos,
considere si quiere tener en pleno control de su propio destino o si desea poner en
juego su reputación siendo un proveedor de terceros. Muchas tiendas en línea aplican
un enfoque híbrido. Para sus artículos más populares, mantienen una pequeño stock
listo para enviar y para sus artículos menos populares, especifican un plazo más largo y
tramitan el envío directamente al cliente final.

Estadisticas de Google.


Facebook: Ejemplos para incrementar tus seguidores.

Facebook Fan Acquisition.pdf Download this file


MercadoShops: “Data Fiscal” en mi tienda

Argentina: ¿Cómo incluir el “Formulario Nº 960/NM – “Data Fiscal” en mi tienda?

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 10:31 AM PDT

Ver también: Nueva disposición de la AFIP: Formulario Nº 960/NM – “Data Fiscal”

Cuando sigas los pasos para descargar tu QR, verás que la AFIP te brindará un Banner HTML.
Para poder insertarlo en tu tienda, sugerimos agregarlo como imagen en tu página “Quienes Somos”. Mirá cómo:

1. Con el Banner HTML en tu pantalla, tendrás que copiar la URL que se encuentra subrayada después de las siglas: img src= como ilustra la foto.

Atención: Cuando copies la URL no incluyas las comillas.

Banner HTML

2. Cuando hayas copiado la información mencionada pégala en tu navegador, presiona enter y verás una imagen como esta:

Navegador QR

3. Posiciona el mouse sobre la imagen, haz clic derecho sobre ella y luego clic en Guardar imagen como.
TIP: Guarda la imagen en donde luego puedas encontrarla con facilidad, por ejemplo, tu Escritorio.
Cuando hayas guardado tu imagen, ya estas listo para cargarla en tu tienda.

4. Para ello ingresa a tu administrador y haz clic en:

Configuración> Páginas > Quienes Somos > Editar

Como subir QR

5. Desde la sección fotos, podrás subir la imagen del QR haciendo clic en “subir imágenes” y seleccionar la que habías guardado en el paso anterior. Haz clic en guardar.

subir QR imagen

6. Listo, en tu tienda se verá de este modo:


Argentina: Nueva disposición de la AFIP: Formulario Nº 960/NM – “Data Fiscal”

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 10:31 AM PDT

Ver también: ¿Cómo incluir el “Formulario Nº 960/NM – “Data Fiscal” en mi tienda?


A partir Septiembre de 2012, los sitios “web” de los contribuyentes y/o responsables de Argentina que realicen operaciones de venta de cosas muebles, locaciones y prestaciones de obras y/o servicios por cuenta propia y/o de terceros necesitan incluir un nuevo dato en sus sitios.

Deberán colocar en un lugar visible de su página principal, el logo “Formulario Nº 960/NM – “Data Fiscal” en el formato QR.

¿Ok, que tengo que hacer?

1. Ingresa a

2. Selecciona la opción “Acceso con Clave Fiscal” e informa tu CUIT y Clave en la AFIP.

3.  Selecciona el servicio “Formulario 960 N.M.” e informa la URL de tu página web, en el recuadro disponible a tal efecto.
Debe ingresarla con el siguiente formato: (por ejemplo).

4.  Como consecuencia, aparecerá en pantalla el código HTML que debe publicar en tu MercadoShop.
Este código HTML contiene un logo y el acceso a la información sobre su empresa.

5. Listo.

¿Qué es un “QR”?
Un código QR (“Quick Response” o “Respuesta Rápida”), se trata de una matriz de puntos Bidimensional, que además es unívoca. Cada contribuyente tendrá un código QR distinto por cada punto comercial que tenga declarado.

¿Cómo leer un “QR”?
El código “QR” no requiere de un lector especial: una simple cámara de un celular de última generación – o dispositivo similar – con conexión a “Internet”, es capaz de interpretar el código por medio de software gratuito.

Ejemplo de Data Fiscal QR:

QR ejemplo

Manual oficial ¿Cómo obtener mi  “Formulario Nº 960/NM – “Data Fiscal”?

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Como hacer crecer tu pagina de Facebook

Conecta con Paginas de otros rubros donde pueden compartir clientes.

 Esta es una táctica de gran alcance para  realizar una conexión en directo con otros administradores de páginas que tienen una demografía similar a la nuestra y hacer promociones cruzadas entre sí.
 Por ejemplo si trabajamos las redes sociales de una heladeria con pagina en Facebook, pongamosnos en contacto con una pizzeria del barrio que atrae a la misma clientela. EN conjunto realicen una promocion en la que los posts se realicen en simultaneo en ambas paginas.

Hace comentarios en otras paginas

 Participar en otras páginas donde su público ya está teniendo conversaciones. Encontrar  páginas complementarias de Facebook y similares a la nuestra, ver el feed  y comentar los posts.
Al interactuar y tener conversaciones como tu página. use Facebook como su negocio de la misma manera que lo utiliza personalmente.
Recuerde que debe añadir a la conversación y auténticamente construir relaciones. Esto dará lugar a las conexiones significativas mencionadas en el punto # 1.

 Esta actividad requiere tiempo y es posible que sólo tengamos 10 minutos a la semana para hacer esto. En caso de que su empresa cuente con un community manager es mejor dar instrucciones especificas sobre como hacer esto.

 Puede ser una gran manera de conseguir nueva gente a la página de tu negocio. Ejecutar un concurso cuesta un poco de dinero pero muchas de las aplicaciones que están disponibles para los concursos de Facebook (y debe ejecutar un concurso de Facebook a través de una aplicación) no son demasiado caros y son fáciles de instalar usted mismo.

Ejecutar un concurso es también una gran manera de promover su producto o servicio de una manera divertida.Asegurese de tener una puerta de ingreso (Fan Gate) en su aplicación ya que nos da la capacidad de hacer que la gente le guste tu página antes de entrar. Y es una gran manera de conseguir que la gente para nuestra lista de correo electrónico.

Publicidad en Facebook

 Hoy en día hay muchas opciones para la publicidad en Facebook. Una de las mejores maneras de obtener el mejor retorno de inversion es a traves de la creacion de las denominadas Historias patrocinadas. Esto hará publicidad de su página a los amigos de tus fans actuales.

 Los anuncios patrocinados pueden ser un poco más barato pero el texto del anuncio no nos va a ayudar a convertir a la gente en fans.
Es fácil crear su anuncio y limitar su presupuesto para saber lo bien que funciona antes de gastar un brazo y una pierna.

Agregar en nuestra web la opcion de hacerse fan.

Sólo tiene que ir al sitio de Facebook Developers, añadir la URL de su página de Facebook, configure la configuración de cómo queremos que se vea y haga clic en Obtener código.

Ahora tendrá la opción entre HTML5, XFBML, iFrame o URL. Para la mayoría de sitios de WordPress, puedes elegir HTML5, XFBML o iFrame su código. Pero tu tema de WordPress puede afectar su elección. En este caso, la mejor cosa a hacer es pegar el código en un widget de texto en la barra lateral.

Five Ways Facebook’s Open Graph will Impact Your Marketing”

1. Moving beyond the “Like”

Brands can now create interactions with consumers that are contextually relevant. For example, a wine distributor can enable users to “recommend” or “taste” a wine, a fashion brand can allow users to “want” a pair of shoes or “own” a dress. Brands can interact with consumers across all touch points (website, ecommerce storefront, and more) to create these contextually relevant stories, which are then broadcast via Facebook to the Consumer’s Timeline, as well as their friends’ News Feeds and Tickers.

2. Shifting the Facebook focus to the Consumer Timeline

While the Brand Timeline is an important tool for consumer engagement, Consumer Timelines are where the majority of interaction takes place, making them incredibly valuable to marketers. Consumer stories about brands are now broadcast front-and-center on the Consumer Timelines as well as in the News Feeds and Tickers of their friends, creating virality.

3. Gaining unprecedented insight into consumer demographics

With Facebook, marketers can understand who is sharing stories about their brand, as well as reach (impressions), engagement (clicks) and conversions. Marketers can also see aggregate demographics of friends that engage with stories, enabling them to optimize campaigns. For example, marketers could see that females dramatically outperform males on a campaign and reallocate ad budget accordingly. 

4. Replacing Facebook Ads with Sponsored Stories

Sponsored Stories are significantly more relevant than most advertising because friends are endorsing brands and providing social context. Facebook research shows that recall of messages increases by 50% with social context. Sponsored Story results are significantly higher with a 46% higher CTR, and a 20% lower CPC than Facebook Ads. Additionally, Sponsored Stories are the only mobile ad unit on Facebook..

5. Facilitating the convergence of owned, earned and paid media

With the Open Graph, brands can engage consumers across all owned assets (website, blogs, social networks, and more) and foster creation of earned media (stories). This earned media is then broadcast across Facebook to amplify awareness organically. Brands can further amplify the reach of these earned media stories by purchasing paid media (Sponsored Stories).
Brands need to start thinking now about how they can incorporate Facebook’s Open Graph into their current marketing initiatives and future plans. As part of this series, we will take a deep dive into the impact each element will have on marketers. Stay tuned for our next post, Moving beyond the “Like.”


martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

QR para hacer crecer una lista de emails.


  1. ¿Qué hay para mi? Uno de los puntos más importante en email marketing – o cualquier estrategia de marketing – es cuando ofrecen algo al cliente. Mensajes como “¡Danos like en Facebook!” o “¡Síguenos en twitter!” o “¡Regístrate en nuestra lista de correo!” sin una mención sobre qué es lo que voy a obtener de vuelta es… bueno… tonto. Este poster nos dice, inmediatamente, “Disfruta de un coctel de Sake o un postre con nosotros”
  2. ¿Qué es lo que tengo que hacer? Muchas veces veo a los marketers cometer este grave error: Asumir que la gente sabe lo que tiene que hacer cuando ven la llamada a la acción. En este caso el código QR. Este poster lo hace sencillo y claro porque nos dice “Únete a nuestra lista de correo escaneando este código con tu teléfono inteligente”. No estoy seguro si lo hicieron intencional, pero hay que notar que omitieron el acrónimo QR. En mi opinión la mayoría de la gente no sabe lo que es código QR y por lo tanto la omisión es correcta pues las letras no tendrían sentido para la mayoría de la audiencia.
  3. El código QR: Es grande, está al centro del poster, es claro. Si vas a pedirle a la gente que saque su Smart pone y escanee un código QR, asegúrate de que sea lo suficientemente grande.
  4. La promesa: Normalmente no soy fan del mensaje “Nunca enviamos spam”, pero pienso que en este caso funciona. El agregar “No tengas miedo” le da una nota de humor a la promesa.
  5. ¿Qué pasa si no tienes un Smart pone (o no sabes lo que es un código QR)? Aun no me creo el hecho de que todas las personas saben: a) qué es un código QR, b) saben qué hacer cuando lo ven en una puerta, c) tienen un scanner QR en su Smart pone (si es que tienen uno). Es por eso que adoro cuando los marketers agregan mensajes que le dan opciones al cliente. En este caso una opción para ir a su página en Twitter y una forma de agregar su correo.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

EPILSON: Curso de Social Media

Social Media en España.pdf Download this file


#hashtag : Twitter durante un Evento.

Twitter es una excelente herramienta para seguir en tiempo real cualquier evento. Por esta razón, muchos organizadores quieren que su actividad sea transmitida a través de la red social. Normalmente los asistentes se ocupan desinteresadamente de esta tarea. Sin embargo, a diferentes organizaciones y empresas les interesa que su cuenta oficial se mantenga actualizada de acuerdo a los acontecimientos, así que suelen delegarle esa tarea a alguien — o incluso, contratar a una persona.

Los tips a tener en cuenta al momento de decidir la presencia de tu evento en Twitter son:

  • Seleccionar la palabra adecuada que deberá preceder al símbolo #, es decir una que se identifique directamente con tu evento, empresa o temática de la reunión. Esto permitirá que tu audiencia lo recuerde fácilmente y será mas factible que quien busca información del mismo en la web lo encuentre.
  • Chequea que dicha palabra no esté siendo utilizada en la red social consultando desde Twitter en “Temas del Momento”, en el supuesto caso que ya existiera esfuérzate por elegir el hashtags más original.
  • Otro punto a tener en cuenta es responder a los tweets que se escriban relacionados a tu Hashtags para que tu público sienta que estas presente, pero no canses a tus followers, enviando tweets o hashtags indiscriminadamente y cada vez que lo uses, intenta que el resto de los 80-100 caracteres que le acompañen tengan lógica tanto con lo que promocionas como con la imagen que deseas transmitir. Los hashtags pasan a ser la imagen de lo que eres, por ello piensa bien antes de usar uno o promocionar una idea que se identifique con el evento.

Aprovecha otras herramientas

No todo es texto. Hay muchas maneras de enriquecer tuEvento. Puedes subir fotografías de manera rápida con capturas del móvil. Incluso, puedes aprovechar Twitcam u otro servicio similar para hacer pequeñas entrevistas a algunos invitados.

Agencia 365

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

8 preocupaciones e inquietudes con las que se enfrentanlos Digital Managers a diario en el Social Media.

  1. La principal preocupación de este colectivo es ¿Cómo justificar las inversiones en Social Media a su Dirección General? Y saber cuales son los KPI´s más efectivos.
  2. El siguiente aspecto muy ligado con el anterior, se centra en la dificultad para involucrar a los equipos de Marketing tradicional en materia de Social Media.
  3. A los Digital Managers les preocupa la efectividad de las campañas de bloggers así como el papel que jugaran los líderes de opinión a través de este entorno. Se preguntan si las opiniones de estos prescriptores  generan una verdadera diferenciación o únicamente ayudan al SEO.
  4. Los Digital Managers invierten una gran cantidad de tiempo analizando y gestionando grandes volúmenes de información. ¿Qué servicios permiten simplificar estas tareas? SAIO es un ejemplo de solución que permite optimizar los recursos y el tiempo que dedican los Digital Managers al Social Analytics.
  5. En este cambio de paradigma dónde los consumidores son los protagonistas, los Digital Managers se preguntan ¿Qué tipologías de Insights más comunes podemos extraer? Sin duda el Social Media debe contemplarse como una nueva fuente de innovación. (link al SAIO)
  6. Muchos de ellos se plantean si resulta más eficiente disponer de un equipo de Community Management Interno o Externo, ¿Cuál es la formula del éxito?
  7. Les interesa conocer cuales serán las  claves acerca de la Co-creación – ¿Qué Formulas y tácticas que funcionan para involucrar al usuario?
  8. Cómo optimizar los procesos de generación de contenidos editoriales que “enganchen” con la comunidad y ¿Qué proceso de análisis debería llevarse a cabo / procedimiento?

Social Media: How to Generate More Leads

Generating leads through social media is about more than asking for contact info. It’s about various steps to build a platform, establish expertise, and track results along the way.

  1. Prove Your Expertise. Before you can draw new leads through social media, you need to build a community of followers. Create quality content, demonstrate your authority, and engage with others in a way that means value for your audience.
  2. Cross-Promote. Community doesn’t happen out of nowhere. Promote your Facebook page on your blog and your blog on Twitter and so on. Use every channel to point users to your other profiles.
  3. Engage. Don’t just promote your own content, but engage with others about theirs. Retweet interesting articles; respond to customer questions; do whatever you can to build engagement.
  4. Think Offline, Too. Put the social back in social media by using your offline connections to promote your presence on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, and so on.
  5. Track Results. Keep detailed statistics on followers, subscribers, responses, etc., so that as you try new tactics, you can see what achieves the best results.
  • E-Mail Subscription – By adding an e-mail subscription form to your Facebook fan page, you turn your page into a way to increase your newsletter subscribers.
  • Special Offer – People who come to your Facebook page are likely to have at least some interest in your products, so use a coupon, discount, or trial offer to encourage them to learn more, turning them into solid leads in the process. Here’s an example from a food blogger/cookbook author, using both a coupon and an offer for free meal plans to draw in leads:
  • Live Chat – Make it easy for clients or potential clients to reach out to you by offering a live chat when they can ask questions or get more info. They’re automatically leads you may be able to turn into customers.
  • Give Away to Sell – Offer free content—blog posts, articles, etc.—that show off your authority and value, and then sell research reports, consulting, etc.
  • Create Lists
  • Monitor Keywords & Interact
  • Find Key Influencer

Optimize Pinterest for Lead Generation

Now that you're starting to send traffic to your website, it's important to make sure you are converting a percentage of that traffic into leads. There are two ways you can make sure your Pinterest traffic is converting for your business to support your lead generation efforts.

 Include landing pages in your pins' descriptions. Brainstorm images you could pin that represent something that is normally gated behind a form, like an ebook cover perhaps. In the description of the ebook, include a link to the landing page to download it. You could also do this with slides from webinar decks or other presentations that have landing pages. 

Add more calls-to-action (CTAs) around the visual content on your website. Sometimes it might not make sense to include a landing page link in a pin's description (for example, if you're pinning an image from a blog post). In cases like that, add more calls-to-action to your blog to increase the likelihood of conversion from there.

How can you create a strategy to increase followers at both the account and board levels?

1. Commit to creating the BEST boards on a specific topic. With this vision in mind, you will add the best content to your board, as well as start imagining new content you can create that fits that board's need.

2. Be ready to promote other people's content to enhance your collection. Committing to having the best board also means being ready to promote other users' pins too. Who cares if you didn't make the piece of content that convinced a new user to follow you? The next time you post something that is yours, that new follower may see it and click it!

3. Like and comment on other people's pins. Sharing is caring. When someone sees you interacting with his or her content, that person might check out yours and choose to follow you, too!

4. Promote your account in your other channels. Maybe a handful of your Twitter followers are using Pinterest. Give them a chance to follow you by sharing your account via Twitter, too! One great way to do that is to connect your company Twitter account with your Pinterest account so you automatically tweet all your new pins (you can turn on this integration in your Pinterest settings). To connect with the right Twitter account, the email address you used to sign up for Pinterest will need to match the email address associated with your corporate Twitter account.

Measure Your Traffic and Leads

Show me the money! At the end of the day, what's going to matter most is how much traffic, leads, and customers you generate via a specific source.

As you start pinning images to Pinterest and adding more images over time, how is your traffic changing? Is there a specific image type or topic that sends more traffic than others? Use your analytics tools to understand what images work and what don't.

Creating Product Review Videos

Keep the review short and to the point: 3 Minutes should be the average.

Focus on the product & discuss it equitably: The review should focus specifically on the product itself, not on the reviewer. Although injecting a modicum of personal opinion on the various features can help humanize your review and bring depth to your descriptions, nobody wants to sit and watch you ramble on for three minutes about you, you, and you.
The opinions you express should be as balanced and honest as possible. No product is completely polarized, so there are endless shades of gray to be described no matter what you're reviewing. Your viewers don't want to see you infatuated and fawning, but they also don't want to watch a bash and trash session. You are reviewing a product's qualities and failings, you're not trying to impress your audience with how clever, grumpy, or nasty you can be.

Concentrate on the primary features & what they do: You only have a couple of minutes so don't think that you have to run down the entire specification sheet. Pick out a few features which make this product unique or provide some level of distinctiveness over the competition, and elucidate incisively on those.
The iWidget 5000 may have a newly redesigned off button, but is that as relevant to your audience as the truly salient features which are the driving force behind people actually wanting to buy one? Shift the focus away from a dry recitation of facts and figures and onto what those features do to make the user's tasks easier or more fun.

Don't try to read out your review: In order to keep on track, make a list of the key talking points and an approximation of when you want to get to the next one.
Creating a point form "shooting script" complete with timings will help keep you from running too long or too short. Then you can ad-lib your way through your review while sounding naturally conversational. Consider the best review voice-overs to be restrained jazz: you're encouraged to riff but keep it somewhat close to the melody line.

3 seconds is about the most you should keep a static image on a screen: If you've gone more than a few seconds without a cut, you're dragging it out too much. Straight cuts are almost always preferable to fancy crossfades, irises, or the rest of the gimmicks in your editing software. Don't try to use camera action as a substitute for cutting unless you have a $5,000 steadycam rig. Even the smoothest free hand movements will make a pan or tilt seem shaky.

It's no surprise that user-created video product reviews would be useful and have a lot of potential to help sell products. After all, hearing right from other people who might be just like you is what it's all about.

Source: Video Product Reviews - The Power Of The User-Created Video Testimonials 
©2012 ReelSEO 

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Why the Apps-vs-HTML5 debate matters

  • Distribution: Native apps are distributed through app stores and markets controlled by the owners of the platforms. HTML5 is distributed through the rules of the open web: the link economy.
  • Monetization: Native apps come with one-click purchase options built into mobile platforms. HTML5 apps will tend to be monetized more through advertising, because payments will be less user-friendly.
  • Platform power and network effects: Developers have to conform with Apple's rules. Apple's market share, meanwhile, creates network effects and lock-in. If and when developers can build excellent iPhone and iPad functionality on the web using HTML5, developers can cut Apple out of the loop. This will reduce the network effects of Apple's platform.
  • Functionality: Right now, native apps can do a lot more than HTML5 apps. HTML5 apps will get better, but not as fast as some HTML5 advocates think. 

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Consejos rápidos para mejorar tu presencia Pinterest

♣ Aumenta tu alcance social: nuestra estrategia en redes sociales, entre otras cosas, se basa en ampliar el conocimiento de nuestra marca a diferentes personas. En este sentido Pinterest ofrece una importante oportunidad encontrar nuevos clientes. Optimiza tu presencia en Pinterest incorporando apps, widgets o botones en tu sites con imágenes actualizadas y preferiblemente exclusivas de tu marca.

♣ Incrementa tu engagement con contenido: como con cualquier canal social, el contenido atractivo es vital para una exitosa estrategia en redes sociales. Pinterest es una red muy visual, por tanto, no dudes en mostrar tus mejores imágenes, packaging, diseños, productos e infografías que pueden atraer la atención de tus seguidores y llamar la atención a otros nuevos.

♣ Identificar e involucrar a influencers: identificar a los pinners más destacados en tu sector te ayudará a promocionar tu marca si conectas con ellos. Para identificarlos puedes utilizar herramientas como PinReach y PinPuff. Utiliza esta información para elaborar en el offline relaciones con los pinners influencers de tu sector.

Honda y Kotex suelen hacer entrega de paquetes especiales a sus top pinners, basados en los tipos de producto que ellos pinean para agradecerles su engagement con la marca.

♣ Aumentar la generación de leads: el objetivo de una página Pinterest eficaz debe ser atraer tráfico a su sitio web. Conseguir mediante la creación de boards (tablones) y las imágenes subidas (pines) crear una base de productos interesante que produzcan visitas a nuestro site. Marcas al por menor que añaden los precios de sus productos en Pinterest para atraer a compradores calificados. Ofrece a tus seguidores tablones que mezclen productos con estilo de vida para aumentar la generación de oportunidades manteniendo el compromiso.

En este sentido, aquellas marcas que cuenten con ecommerce tendrán mayores posibilidades.

A cada uno de nuestros productos podemos añadirle exactamente la URL exacta en la que se encuentra nuestro producto dentro de nuestra tienda online, que al fin y al cabo es el lugar donde queremos que terminen convirtiendo.

SEO for Joomla

1. Make Sure You're on the Right Type of Server

This is the first step for a reason. It's important.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you are using an IIS (Windows) server to host your Joomla! website, you are going to get so frustrated that your Mac may end up at the bottom of a swimming pool. (This may or may not have happened)

The reason I say this is that URL rewriting just never seems to gel well with any rewrite module that IIS can use. Rewrite modules are also a nightmare to get set up if you are using a shared hosting account. I've also, on occasion, had issues with the installation and configuration of Joomla! on an IIS server.

For practicality and succinctness's sake, I would simply recommend that you save yourself endless headaches and get your Joomla! site set up on an Apache server with mod_rewrite installed. Your nerves and the SEO components you're going to install will thank you.

2. Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Because you are going to want to enable URL rewriting to make those URLs a whole lot more attractive than they start out, you are going to need to rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess - which is the version used by Joomla! and mod_rewrite.

3. Enable SEF URLs and URL Rewriting

In your Joomla! Global Configuration, set the "Search Engine Friendly URLs" and "Use URL Rewriting" options to "Yes".

Search Engine Friendly URLs is the setting that removes all the dynamically generated gobbledygook from your URL and replaces it with the alias of the menu item that you're using on the page.

URL Rewriting is the setting that removes the /index.php/ from the URL. For this to be enabled must have mod_rewrite enabled and must have a .htaccess file.

The balance of the settings are really left more up to your discretion. I tend to prefer leaving the other three off. You may like to turn on the option to include your Site Name in your page titles, particularly if the site has a lot of content. Personally, I like to micro-manage everything and craft each title separately in most instances.

4. Remove "/images/" from your Robots.txt file

This is something about Joomla! that has always left me bewildered. In the automatically generated robots.txt file that is created on installation, Joomla! includes a disallow rule for the images directory, instructing the search engines not to search or index your images folder.

As you may well know, images can generate a sizable chunk of your traffic from Google and the search engines if you have them correctly optimized.

Because all the image optimisation in the world won't help you if you are telling Google not to bother with your images directory, I highly recommend that you remove the following line from your robots.txt file:


5. Install JCE Editor

Not only is JCE Editor free, but it provides a whole bunch of really cool features which will help you put together and maintain your site.

My favourite two things about JCE are the fact that you can instruct it not to strip code that you add through the editor and the fact that it provides a great interface through which you can add images, coupled with Alt tags and image dimensions.

It's a really good component for Joomla! and I highly recommend you use it.

6. Use Alt Tags and Image Dimensions

This tip is really not specific to Joomla! but it is important nevertheless. The JCE editor allows you add the Alternate Text to describe your image as well as add the dimensions right within the image upload tool.

In case you weren't aware, adding image dimensions to your images allows the "space" to load before the actual image does. This should help improve your load times a bit.

7. Manage Your Meta Data

Although meta keywords tags are pretty much redundant these days, your meta descriptions and title tags are still rather important.

I came across a pretty useful component quite recently, called SEO Boss. The only feature of this that I actually use is the meta tag manager, but I have found this to be extremely useful.

To edit meta data for your Joomla! website normally, you need to navigate to each menu item/article and edit the descriptions and page titles manually. With SEO Boss, you'll find a single screen that lets you edit all of your meta data directly from that interface.

The only drawback to SEO Boss is that it may not gel well with all of your installed components, in which case you'll need to go and manually edit those through the relevant component's own interface. For everything else, however, it's great.

8. Choose www. or non-www. and Redirect

Joomla!, unlike Wordpress, doesn't automatically redirect your website to either the www. or non-www. version. This obviously poses a canonical problem, which you need to correct manually via your .htaccess file.

To redirect from non-www. to www. add the following code to your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Alternatively, you can redirect to non-www. by adding this code instead:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

9. Be Consistent When Linking Internally

When it comes to CMS websites (especially Joomla! ones) duplicate content can become a bit of a problem. The key to combating this is to ensure that you link consistently to internal content.

By this, I mean only creating links to either the www. or non-www. version that you chose above, only linking to pages using a trailing slash or no trailing slash, or pages with a suffix (.html) or no suffix. Only link to a single version of a page, ever.

Remember, it's not duplicate content if nothing is linking to it for Google to find it.

You can't really control the way others link to you, but you can set an example. If people are linking to you incorrectly, you can add further redirect rules to 301 redirect to the correct links.

10. Speed Up Your Website!

It has to be said that Joomla! doesn't do page speed very well straight out of the box. The good news is that you can speed things up significantly by doing three main things: Leveraging browser caching, enabling Gzip compression and compressing your images.

10.1. Leverage Browser Caching

Without getting into too much detail, you want to utilize browser caching to instruct your browsers to cache certain types of content found on your site, as well as tell them how long to cache them for. My suggestion is to simply add the following code to the bottom of your .htaccess file:

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 years"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 months"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 months"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 months"
ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 months"
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 1 months"
ExpiresByType image/ico "access plus 1 months"

You can, of course, tweak the code if your content needs to be held in the cache for shorter/longer periods, or if you would prefer not to cache certain types of content.

10.2. Enable Gzip

A good way to improve load times is to use Gzip to compress your code. I tend to only do this once I've got my whole site set up, but it's generally a good idea to use it.

33 Tips para elaborar una estrategia de venta online en Pinterest,

  1. Cuando creen el perfil en Pinterest utilicen la fotografía de una persona (bien sea el dueño de la empresa, la personalidad pública imagen de la misma, etc), no utilicen el logo de la compañía o del producto.
  2. Hagan que su nombre sea fácil de encontrar.
  3. Añadir los links de las demás redes sociales.
  4. Añadir palabras claves o keywords en tu biografía.
  5. Vincular a otras redes sociales: Facebook y Twitter.
  6. Hacer que su personalidad brille.
  7. Utilizar títulos de pins creativos.
  8. Muy importante es enfocarse en un estilo de vida y no en el producto o servicio.
  9. Usar palabras claves (keywords) en las descripciones.
  10. Etiquetar a otros utilizando el arroba (@).
  11. Siempre colocar los créditos y las fuentes de tus pins.
  12. Utilizar títulos lúdicos y divertidos en los boards (tablones).
  13. Incluir palabras claves en los tablones.
  14. Mezcla contenidos tuyos y de otros.
  15. Sube imágenes de tus clientes (siempre que te autoricen).
  16. Crea collages que inspiren.
  17. Añade una marca de agua de identidad en las imágenes que uses.
  18. Usa luz natural en las fotos.
  19. Sube fotos relacionadas con los productos o servicios que ofreces.
  20. Para crear tus propias fotos, si no eres fotógrafo, contrata a uno profesional para que las fotos te queden bien.
  21. Siempre coloca las fuentes de tus pins.
  22. Utiliza las Creative Commons.
  23. Utiliza la URL en las imágenes.
  24. Si quieres repinear o subir un pin sin créditos, mejor pregunta antes de hacerlo.
  25. Utiliza los símbolos de copywrite.
  26. Siempre coloca los créditos de las fotos.
  27. Crea un grupo temático.
  28. Pide a tus colegas que te repineen y repinea las fotos de ellos.
  29. Promociona un evento.
  30. Revisa otros tablones de negocios similares a los tuyos.
  31. Identifica tus metas de marketing en Pinterest.
  32. Realiza búsquedas de palabras claves pins, tablones y personas.
  33. Revisa y evalúa los resultados: ¿Hay conversiones?, ¿Cuáles son los tablones más repineados?, ¿Pinterest está trayendo tráfico a mi página web?.

¿Cómo Hacer Marketing con Poco Presupuesto?

Algunas Ideas Inspiradoras y Recursos
  • Piquete Positivo: Los piquetes o cortes de calle suelen tener mala fama en ciertos contextos pero de algo estamos seguro… no pasan desapercibidos. ¿Te animas a reinventar el concepto, realizando una marcha en la puerta de tu local en “protesta” por el excelente servicio al cliente que brindan?
  • Premio al CLIENTE del Mes: Fideliza a tus clientes más fieles premiándolos con descuentos especiales y productos sin cargo. Difúndelo en tu página de Facebook y estimula al resto de tus clientes a seguir sus pasos.
  • Destaca tu Presencia en Eventos: Genera alianzas estratégicas en eventos relacionados con tu target market y distribuye merchandising entre los asistentes con tu logo e información de contacto.
  • Concursos originales: Organiza concursos fuera de lo común aprovechando el poder de difusión del Email Marketing integrado con las redes sociales. Por ejemplo, puedes hacer que tus clientes envíen fotos usando tu producto en lugares extraños. La personalización, penetración y altísimo ROI del Email Marketing te proveerán de un canal de comunicación excelente a un bajo costo. Maximiza la viralidad de tu campaña, incorporando el botón de recomendación y enlaces a las principales redes sociales.
  • Memes: Aprovecha la popularidad y viralidad de este tipo de contenidos, especialmente entre el segmento jóven, y ponlo a funcionar al servicio de tu marca. Pídeles que creen su propio Meme mencionando positivamente a tu marca en él a través de la siguiente herramienta.
  • Trending Topics: A través de tu usuario de Twitter, genera un trending topic propio a partir de una noticia relevante o un tema de interés para tu público objetivo. Accede a los trending topics más importantes en todo el mundo mediante Trendsmap.
  • Infografías: Difunde información de interés para tus clientes y prospectos y posiciónate como líder de opinión a través de infografías. La gente lo valorará compartiéndolo con su red de contactos, lo cual generará enlaces hacia tu sitio web. ¡Sitios como lo hacen posible sin siquiera contar con un diseñador gráfico para ello!
  • Redes Sociales: Ya no sorprende a nadie la capacidad viral de redes sociales como Twitter, Facebook o YouTube. Ya sean grandes o pequeñas, las mismas han dotado a las empresas de un excelente medio de comunicación a la hora de posicionar marcas.
La creatividad es la clave

Las acciones de Marketing de guerrilla más exitosas son las que logran trasladar a las redes sociales aquellas que se despliegan inicialmente en el mundo “real”. 
Por último no olvides que para que estas acciones resulten efectivas es imprescindible definir con claridad tu público objetivo; enfocarte en las emociones de la gente, ser consistente, integrando todos tus canales de comunicación; y exprimir al máximo tu creatividad.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Como se trabaja con el inbound marketing


Tenemos que tener claro cuáles son las cualidades de nuestros productos y servicios. Teniendo claro sobre que tenemos que hablar sabremos definir y localizar a nuestro púbico objetivo.

Definimos la estrategia de comunicación

Cuando tenemos estos datos creamos una estrategia de comunicación que siempre estará basada hablar de por qué necesitas este producto y en que te puede beneficiar. Mucho cuidado con esto, no tenemos que ser pregoneros ni intentar inventarnos cualidades, tenemos que ser realistas y muy sinceros en la comunicación.

SEO y Social media Marketing

Trabajamos el posicionamiento del contenido que hemos creado y utilizamos entre otros el canal de las redes sociales, para ayudarnos en el posicionamiento y en la captación de la atención de nuestros potenciales, en este punto las redes sociales son un pilar fundamental, para crear esa comunicación con el cliente, donde dialogaremos con él, sobre nuestros productos y servicio.

Sobre esta área, recomiendo no olvidar utilizar un blog, que genere contenidos de calidad sobre la aplicación de nuestros productos y servicios en la vida cotidiana de los potenciales y los beneficios que les puede aportar.

Empresa de formación que ofrece cursos para trabajadores en activo.

Como debería de ser

 Esta empresa está orientada a la eficiencia en todas su áreas, todos los departamentos trabajan para ofrecer la mejor calidad y servicio a sus alumnos.
Tienen una página web corporativa donde publican sus productos formativos describiendo gráficamente a quien va destinado cada curso y que aporta.
Utiliza las redes sociales como canales que crean comunicación bidireccional con sus potenciales, dialogan sobre sus inquietudes, aclaran dudas y detectan necesidades en formación (nuevos cursos o posibles nichos de negocio).

En su blog orientan, dan consejos sobre tendencias, nuevas técnicas formativas, avisan sobre cursos gratuitos.
Cada producto formativo que se crea, cuenta con materiales de calidad, con profesores competentes, la metodología es muy eficiente para mejorar la experiencia del alumno.
Este trabajo genera movimiento, y hace que la empresa tenga muchos seguidores en sus canales de comunicación, la tienen como referente en el mundo de la formación.
No comercializan directamente sus productos, si no que por medio de sus canales de comunicación informan de las distintas convocatorias.
Tienen un índice muy alto de alumnos que repiten y recomiendan los cursos a sus contactos.

Como no debe de ser 

La empresa diseña productos formativos con rapidez y sus contenidos de forma ineficiente, intenta completar las plazas de los cursos con una comercialización muy agresiva utilizando telemarketing, campañas de emailing a bases de datos compradas (considerado esto como spam).
No cuida el servicio al cliente, alumno insatisfechos que no repiten, genera la necesidad y sobre esfuerzo de buscar siempre alumnos nuevos.

¿En qué debe consistir un Plan de Redes Sociales?

  • Selección de Redes Sociales. Lo primero es definir las redes sociales que tu empresa debe manejar, no porque sean las de moda, sino por que son en las que está tu mercado, y en las cuales tú marca tiene más oportunidades de posicionarse por el tipo de producto o servicio que ofreces.
  • Objetivos por Red Social. Aunque se debe definir un objetivo general del porqué estas en las redes sociales, cada una de ellas tendrá una función diferente, quizá el Twitter lo tengas para atender dudas y Facebook lo tengas para promocionar productos y crear reputación de marca.
  • Personalidad de sus cuentas de redes sociales. Cada una debe representar a tu marca y hablar por ella, así que es indispensable que definas la personalidad de tu marca, piensa que tu marca es una persona? ¿cómo es? ¿Seria, alegre, formal? ¿Intelectual, tecnológica, romántica? ¿Ingeniosa, chistosa, accesible? ¿Habla de tú o de usted? Etc. Debemos definirla lo más detallada posible, ya que dicho papel lo tiene que representar la persona que sea responsable del manejo de las Redes Sociales de tu empresa.
  • Estrategia de acción en cada red social. Aquí se definen la estrategia a seguir en cada red social, entre las más populares son: Imagen de Marca, Venta Online, Estudios de Mercado, Fidelización del Cliente o Captación de Leads.
  • Línea de conversación. Deberás definir el tipo de conversación que deseas tener con tu comunidad en las redes sociales, esta parte incluye las políticas de comunicación que debe seguir el responsable de las RS al representar la marca, qué debe o no decir y en qué forma. Cómo se incluirá y regulará el contenido de valor & el contenido promocional, así como una Manual de cómo responder en caso de crisis.
  • Temáticas de publicaciones. Aquí se definen los temas a publicar en cada una de tus Redes Sociales: de qué hablarás, cada cuándo, qué fuentes usarás, cómo la compartirás, etc. Es importante que definas una temática para que te identifiquen por la misma, las empresas que publican sin ton ni son la verdad es que pierden muchas posibilidades de posicionar una imagen sólida.
  • Estrategia de interacción con su comunidad. Se debe definir cómo, cuándo y de qué forma vas a interactuar con tu comunidad en cada una de las Redes Sociales. La interacción es VITAL en la gestión de las RS, sin ésta la realidad es que no llegarás a objetivos concretos. Así pues, debes fijar horarios de interacción, en los que debes leer, comentar y compartir lo que tus seguidores dicen. También debes definir qué tipo de información es la que puedes compartir según la filosofía y estrategia de tu marca. Debes tener claro el cómo vas a interactuar, con preguntas, conversando, etc.
  • Cómo generar seguidores. La calidad es mas importante que la cantidad, sin embargo, la realidad es las RS es que mientras más personas te sigan tienes más oportunidad de llevar más lejos tu mensaje. Por ello debes tener estrategias para obtener seguidores o fans constantemente y que cubran el perfil de mercado que andas buscando.
  • Definición de indicadores. No olvides que debes medir todo tu esfuerzo en las Redes Sociales, para poder adecuar tu estrategia o afinarla en el camino. Existen muchas herramientas, sin embargo, lo más importante es que definas los indicadores (ROI / KPI) desde un inicio: tráfico, fuentes de tráfico, conversaciones, seguidores, conversiones, etc.
  • Aplicaciones y Herramientas. Por último defines todas las aplicaciones y herramientas que vas a usar para la gestión de tus redes sociales, monitoreo, optimización, medición, etc. Existen muchísimas, así más vale tener claras cuáles vas a ocupar desde el inicio.

Measuring your social media impact

How to measure visits from social media traffic.

Google Analytics makes this process very simple for any website owner.

To understand traffic, use Google Analytics Social Reports, which show site data generated directly from over 400 social sites.
  • Open your Google Analytics account.
  • Select the Traffic Sources tab.
  • From the Social drop down menu, select the Overview page.
  • Record Visits and Visits via Social Referral into your spreadsheet.

 If the people visiting your page only do it once, then you’re not executing a long-term web strategy. Ideally, you want to create loyal visitors who frequent your site.

Another very important aspect of visitor loyalty is to understand on average how many visits are required for one of your visitors to convert.

A conversion could be a visitor purchasing from your site, signing up for an email newsletter or downloading an ebook.

How to measure visitor loyalty from social media.

This measurement requires a one-time setup step (Part A), but once completed it can be easily reused for future measuring (Part B).

You’ll need to create a custom segment inside Google Analytics specific to your social media traffic.

Visitor loyalty numbers will depend greatly on your site type, your readers and the content you produce. Therefore, it’s important to look at your baseline levels, set a goal and measure your trend over time.

Part A—Setup

  1. Open Google Analytics, and click into your Admin panel.
  2. Click the Advanced Segments link. Click Create + New Segment.
  3. Name this new segment “Social Media Sources.”
  4. Click the green drop down menu and select the green Source. Inside the text input box, enter the URL of one social media site, such as “”
  5. Click the Add OR Statement, then click Add a Dimension, and again select Source to add another site. Repeat Step #4 to add another social media referring source such as Twitter.
  6. Repeat Step #5 to add all major social media sources, such as Facebook, Twitter,, YouTube, StumbleUpon and Digg. Once these have been added to your Custom Segment, click the Save Segment button.
Part B—Measuring Loyalty

  1. From Google Analytics Standard Reporting, select the Audience tab.
  2. From the Behavior drop down menu, select the Frequency & Recency page.
  3. Click the Advanced Segments tab, check your custom Social Media Sources, and hit the Apply button.
  4. Add the percentage of total Visits (top percent number) for the first three Count of Visits rows (3 visits or fewer) and subtract this percentage from 100% to calculate your Regulars value. Record your Regulars percentage on your spreadsheet. My goal is to increase my Regulars percentage over time.



Most business owners want to understand the direct relationship between social activities and sales.

You should know the traffic source for any important business goal and these goals should be set up in Google Analytics or your software of choice.

For most of you, the most important web goal is a visitor converting to a lead captured by entering personal information into one of your web forms. For businesses that conduct the majority of business online, these goals are the lifeblood of the organization and are key measures of success.

Even if you’re just getting started acquiring customers or leads online, you should make this measurement a primary focus of your efforts.

How to measure conversions from social media.

Using the Social Reports within Google Analytics, we can understand the specific value of each social network. Of course, you need to have goals set up within Google Analytics for the conversion information to be displayed.

Do the following:

  1. Open your Google Analytics account.
  2. Select the Traffic Sources tab.
  3. From the Social drop down menu, select the Conversions page.

     4.Record Conversions and Conversion Value into your spreadsheet. Consider recording this value more often than monthly.



Facebook: Post at Times Ideal for Your Fans

Getting your post at the top of fans’ newsfeeds is paramount for engagement. So how do you do this?

For one, make sure you post at the right times.

Recent data from shows that the optimal time to post on Facebook is between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm, when Facebook traffic peaks.

Links posted between 1 and 4 pm get the highest click-through rates, with Wednesday at 3:00 pm being the best time to post all week. Links posted before 8:00 am and after 8:00 pm are less likely to get shared.

Another thing to consider is the TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) factor. As office burnout peaks toward the end of the week, more people will be escaping to Facebook.

Engagement rates are 18% higher on Thursday and Friday than other days of the week, according to Buddy Media. Engagement rates fall 3.5% below average for posts Monday through Wednesday, when people are more focused at work.

Make better decisions in AdWords with your Google Analytics data

With Google Analytics you can find insights that matter, including how visitors arrive at your website, how they use it, and how you can keep them coming back. Here are some ways you can take advantage of the new Google Analytics data available in AdWords to improve your results.

  • Attract more engaged users. If highly engaged users are an important goal, sort your ad groups to find the ones that deliver visitors who stay on your site the longest (“Average Visit Duration” or “Pages Per Visit”), and bid more for these.
  • Discover opportunities to convert more engaged visitors. You might find certain keywords or ads that have relatively low conversion rates, but great engagement metrics. You could lower your bids by a little and move on. Or you could see this as a great opportunity to convert clearly engaged visitors into buyers. By adjusting your offer, adding an incentive (like a coupon or discount code), or making your call to action more obvious and accessible, you might be able to improve your ROI and your conversion volume. To look for these types of opportunities, create a filter based on conversion rate and sort by Average Visit Duration, Pages per visit, or Bounce Rate.
  • Identify ads with badly matched landing pages or inaccurate targeting. Pages with both low conversion rates and low engagement metrics (low Average Visit Duration or High Bounce Rate) could indicate a poor landing page for a particular ad or keyword. It might also suggest inaccurate targeting. To identify and troubleshoot these problems, set up a filter for low conversion rate and low engagement rate and regularly monitor it. Since you’re using Google Analytics, you can easily set up A/B testing on the landing page using a Content Experiment.
Success in action

Casamundo, the biggest vacation rental listing service in Europe, has been an early tester of this new feature. They've used Google Analytics since 2008 and over the past 5 years they've grown and refined their AdWords campaigns to over 50 million active keywords across 10 languages. Their analysis shows that converting visitors research vacation rentals over an average of 7.4 visits, so understanding whether their ads and keywords can create strong engagement is vital to their business and how they optimize their AdWords campaigns. Seeing high bounce rates and low average time on site for a keyword means that the offer or destination page might not be a good match for that keyword.

Having easier access to Google Analytics data right in AdWords has helped Torge Kahl, Online Marketing Manager, at Casamundo make better decisions and make optimizations more quickly. According to Torge: 

“The combination of using both Google AdWords and Google Analytics has proved to be the perfect set of tools for us to achieve our goals, and we're very happy to see this combination get more integrated and powerful. Using Analytics data right within AdWords has let me better optimize our account and significantly improve the return on our AdWords investment."

Please visit the AdWords Help Center for step-by-step directions on how to connect your Google Analytics profile data to your AdWords account and for more details. 




Facebook Ads Power Editor

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Calculate the ROI of social product engagement with metrics

Example: "A Social Product Launch Experience"

  • 2,500,000 social customers saw a post announcing a new product
  • 50,000 of them clicked the post to check it out
  • 25,000 of those watched the video or explored the "product story" page
  • 5,000 liked, commented on, or shared the product
  • 5,000 created a story via an Open Graph action (want, love, own)
  • 5,000 "allowed" the app in order to share content
  • 1,000 added it to a "basket" and clicked to the e-store to check out
Quantifying the value of social product engagement metrics like these requires a different approach.

Assigning Value to the Social Product Promotion "Funnel"

In order to consistently ascribe value to the metrics above, we need to break them into generally applicable buckets, each with its own role and value. I propose that those consistent buckets are:

Discovery. Building awareness of the product.
Engagement. Exploring the brand and product content.
Amplification. Generating reach (earned media) through participation.
Conversion. Sharing information and showing purchase intent.

These categories offer a lens through which nearly any social product promotion effort can be evaluated - and provide a framework for measuring aggregate success across social channels. Taking the example metrics above, it would break down like this:

2,500,000 social customers saw a post announcing a new product
50,000 of them clicked the post to check it out
25,000 of those watched the video or explored the "product story" page
5,000 liked, commented on, or shared the product
5,000 created a story via an Open Graph action (want, love, own)
5,000 "allowed" the app in order to share content
1,000 added it to a "basket" and clicked to the e-store to check out

Now that we have categories in which to place these metrics, the next step is to develop an equation that represents their relative value.
Assigning Values

There is, of course, going to be some variability in the relative value of these metrics according to each brand and program. That said, I propose a generalized approach to establishing these values by moving back-to-front in the funnel.
For example, let's say that the "Product Launch" program above promotes a $50 consumer product. Walking backward up the funnel, here is how we can ascribe values to engagement actions. (Note: if you're not in a math-ing mood, you can skip to the next section, where I add it up.)

If half of the people who add the $50 item to their basket actually purchase the product, then the value of the "basket add" is fairly straightforward: $50/2 = $25; 1,000 of these conversions are then worth (1,000 * $25 =) $25,000.
The value of the 5,000 "allows" depends on a brand's average cost to acquire a new customer into its CRM/house-file, and whether or not, for example, an email address is collected. Sticking with a conservative figure of $2 per new customer record, 5,000 "allows" would be worth $10,000.

Value of direct sales = [average order size] * [social conversion rate]
Value of social opt-in = [cost per new customer record] * [number of allows]


10,000 actions were taken that amplified the campaign to friends and followers. The most common way to value these actions is through their "earned media" value (free social impressions), which would be based on the overall CPM for the campaign. If we assume that each action reached about half of a person's 150 friends, that's (10,000 * 75 =) 750,000 additional impressions.
If it initially cost $50,000 to buy 2,500,000 impressions (that's a $20 CPM), then 750,000 additional people are worth $15,000.
But this, as experienced social marketers know, undervalues the reach and referrals that come through social sharing. This audience engages and converts at higher rates, because their friends shared directly with them. If we assume that is 1.5 times the usual rate (it's typically even higher than that), then the amplification value is $22,500.


Earned impressions = [number of amplification actions] * 75
Value of earned impressions = ([brand's average CPM] * [earned impressions]) * 1.5


This is the trickiest one to quantify. To put a value on the 25,000 "engagement actions" with the product requires a brand to decide how much more valuable it is when a social customer "explores a product" vs. "clicking on the ad." This is going to vary widely by brand and product.
If we look back at the CPM ($20), then this brand is paying $0.02 per ad impression. Our example brand decided it's worth $0.50 every time someone digs into the product content. That translates into (25,000 * $0.50 =) $12,500.


Value of product engagement = [number of engagement actions] * [value of engagement action ($.50)]


While discovery can easily get entangled with engagement, I'm going to try to keep it simple: discovery = clicked on the post. And since 50 percent of those who clicked on the post went on to truly engage with the content, it's worth half as much. That gives us a discovery value of (50,000 * $0.25 =) $12,500.


Value of discovery (click) = [number of post clicks] * ([percent of visitors who engage] * [value of engagement action])
OK…so that was a lot of math; let's see how it adds up.

Adding It Up
If you skipped the details, the figures we calculated above, according to the funnel outlined at the beginning, give us the following value:
Discovery - $12,500
Engagement - $12,500
Amplification - $22,500
Conversion - $35,000
Total ROI: $82,500

Assuming that the brand spent $50,000 on the ad buy and another $10,000 or so on the social product experience that drove the engagement and amplification, then they grossed $82,500 on $60,000 in total spend and reached a 37 percent ROI. Notably, leaving out any of the marketing funnel components would result in a very minimal or negative ROI for this campaign.