miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

5 Tips to Make Team Projects More Streamlined and Efficient

Tip #1: Share the goal with everyone.

There is no reason the goal should be a secret from the members of the group. If the goal for the group is to name a new product, or to come up with a way for the company to be more eco-friendly, let everyone know. Announce the goal before the team meets. Then announce the goal as the meeting starts. Thank everyone for working on the goal when the meeting ends.

Tip #2: Let people work with their strengths.

One of the biggest mistakes a team can make is to not take advantage of each team member’s strengths. Some team members may be artistic. Others may have great business acumen. Others may have scientific knowledge. Others will have other talents and abilities, that can help with a project or a goal. Ask your team right from the start, “How do you think you can best contribute to this goal?” Don’t assume you know their best contribution just from their job title. They may have knowledge that goes beyond their current job title. A team works well when each member adds in their strengths.

Tip #3: Nip team squabbles in the bud.

Some people just like to argue or bicker with each other. If things go beyond a little back and forth, then a team manager needs to step in and mediate. Team squabbles with be detrimental to a team. It should be clear they will not be tolerated. Team members should understand they need to treat each other with respect and professionalism.

Tip #4: Try brainstorming or group exercises.

This is especially useful if your group is having a challenging time coming up with ideas. In brainstorming there are no “bad” ideas, only ideas. And you never know what idea can be useful, the goal with brainstorming is to come up with and write as many ideas as you can. Doing this as a team can “spark” lots of ideas and be very helpful to finding solutions together.

Tip #5: Gather feedback after the team project.

Don’t ignore this step once your team project is done. “How could be have done better?” Is a question to ask each team member. This question can be posed about the team and also each individual. This is less meant to be critical of your efforts, no matter your rate of success, but more to learn about how you can be better the next time. Most work team groups wind up doing project after project together. If you gather feedback about how the team can work better for the next time, this may make your next project even better than you expected it to be. And best of all, your team will feel that you are listening to them with an open communication style.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

10 Key Metrics To Take a Startup to the Next Level

1. Sales revenue

Sales is simply defined as income from customer purchases of goods and services, minus the cost associated with things like returned or undeliverable merchandise. Of course, everyone is happy when the numbers keep going up, but the data needs to be mined constantly for deeper meanings and trends.

Sales data needs to be correlated to advertising campaigns, price changes, seasonal forces, competitive actions, and other cost of sales. More sophisticated metrics in this domain, like the Asset Turnover Ratio, Return on Sales, and Return on Assets, can tell you how your company’s performance stacks up against others in the same industry, or same geography. In the long run, these tell you whether you will live or die, compared to competitors.

2. Customer loyalty and retention.

 Customer loyalty is all about attracting the right customer, getting them to buy, buy often, buy in higher quantities and bring you even more customers. You build customer loyalty by treating people how they want to be treated.

There are three common methods for measuring customer loyalty and retention: 1) customer surveys, 2) direct feedback at point of purchase, and 3) purchase analysis. All of these require a systematic and regular process, rather than ad hoc implementation. According to Fred Reichheld and other experts, a 5% improvement in customer retention will yield between a 20 to 100% increase in profits across a wide range of industries.

3. Cost of customer acquisition

This metric is a measure of the total cost associated with acquiring a new customer, including all aspects of marketing and sales. Customer acquisition cost is calculated by dividing total acquisition expenses by total new customers over a given period.

This tells you whether your marketing and advertising investments are paying for themselves. Over time, you cost of acquisition should go down as growth and your brand image goes up. Again, be sure to check industry norms for your type of business to see if you are competitive.

4.Operating productivity.

 Obviously measuring staff productivity is important, and the reasons why are obvious. If you do not know how your staff is doing, then how can you truly know the inner workings of your own company? Staff discontent can put your company in serious jeopardy, while on the other hand, high staff productivity can be your best company asset.

Productivity ratios can be applied to almost any aspect of your business. For example, sales productivity is simply actual revenue divided by the number of sales people. Compare your productivity to industry norms by consulting industry statistics, or check yourself for continuous improvement by accumulating your statistics over time. The process works the same for manufacturing productivity, marketing productivity, or support productivity.

5. Size of gross margin. 

The gross margin is calculated as a company's total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold, divided by the total sales revenue, expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the more the company retains on each dollar of sales to service its other costs and enjoy as profits.

Tracking margins is important for growing companies, since increased volumes should improve efficiency and lower the cost per unit (increase the margin). Improving productivity requires effort and innovation, and many companies charge ahead, not realizing that margins are going the wrong way. What you don’t measure probably won’t happen.

6. Monthly profit or loss.

Profit is not simply the difference between the costs of the product or service and the price being charged for it. The calculation must include the fixed and variable costs of operation that are paid regularly each month no matter what. These include such items as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, insurance, taxes, and the salary that you and your partners are not taking just yet.

Beyond reducing your cost of operation, the biggest lever on profit is usually the price you can charge for your product or service. This amount you charge, over the base cost of an item, is called “the markup,” and the difference between cost and price is the “margin.” Investors realize that small companies with margins below 60% will likely have a tough time growing.

7. Overhead costs.

In economics, overhead costs are fixed costs that are not dependent on the level of goods or services produced by the business, such as salaries or rents being paid per month. In any growing business, these can creep up and out of control if not tracked carefully.

By tracking them on a monthly basis, you will be able to see more clearly where spending occurs in your business. Use this information when updating your business plan or when preparing yearly budgets. Because overhead costs are not influenced by how much your business earns or grows, you need to track them separately and diligently. Moving to a location that is less expensive, or switching utility suppliers, are ways to reduce the fixed costs of running a business.

8.Variable cost percentage.

 By definition, variable costs are expenses that change in proportion to the activity of a business. Fixed costs and variable costs make up the two components of total cost. These include the "cost of goods sold" and other items that increase with each sale, such as the cost of raw materials, labor, shipping and other expenses directly connected to producing and delivering your goods or services.

The value of tracking these as a metric is to assure that they are decreasing as your volume is growing, and assure that they are consistent with industry norms and competitive offerings. If you variable costs go up, your business won’t grow, even if sales are up and the number of customers increases.

9. Inventory size. 

The raw materials, work-in-process goods and completely finished goods that are considered to be the portion of a business's assets that are ready or will be ready for sale. Inventory represents one of the most important assets that most businesses possess, because the turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of revenue generation and subsequent earnings for the company's shareholders/owners.

For growing companies, this is an important area to manage. You will find that you either have too much inventory (cash tied up, high storage costs, obsolescence, and spoilage costs), or not enough (lost sales, lower market share). The challenges include forecasting inventory requirements, buying in cost-effective lot sizes, and just-in-time delivery systems.

10. Hours worked per process.

Beyond ratios, you need to keep metrics on total labor hours expended for various functions. Labor is likely to be your most important and most expensive raw input, especially in manufacturing, assembly, and support operations. The one constant in small business is change, so the excuse of “we have always done it that way” is not one that a growing company should ever want to hear or use.

These days, most labor-intensive operations can be replaced with automation, and you need to recognize as you grow the business when the cost of automation is justified. At some point, the return on investment (ROI) of more computer systems, and automated manufacturing operations, is well worth the cost and time to change.

Leveraging the latest data can uncover new opportunities and help you measure the results of your efforts. I believe every small business owner should monitor these constantly, and take time to chart, review and carefully examine at least once a month.

Tracking key business metrics is important for a bunch of reasons, but probably the most important reason is cultural. It leads to a culture of success when you see the key business metrics moving in the right direction. Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate your successes as you reach new milestones.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Redes Sociales: Atencion al Cliente

Es muy importante que la marca responda a través de los canales sociales. Conversaciones en medios sociales también apunta que el 78% de los clientes confía en su capacidad como método de atención al cliente. Para ofrecer un servicio eficaz, es necesario tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:

  • Tener objetivos claramente definidos. Si no tienes claro cuál es tu prioridad, o qué pretendes conseguir con tu servicio de atención al cliente, darás una imagen de falta de profesionalidad, parecerá que estás improvisando, que la situación te supera. Tu máxima debe ser conseguir la satisfacción del cliente, pero has de establecer prioridades, objetivos tangibles.
  • Desarrolla una estrategia. Tienes que diseñar unas pautas de actuación, que incluyen desde el preciso instante en que recibes el mensaje hasta incluso después de haberle ofrecido una solución. Indica el tono de la comunicación, el modo en que debe expresarse el personal de atención al cliente, el plazo máximo de actuación en cada fase del proceso y qué hacer una vez se ha gestionado íntegramente la petición del cliente. También es importante detallar qué vías de comunicación utilizar en caso de que la conversación se complique y derive hacia un camino espinoso, o si se hace necesario el intercambio de información confidencial.
  • Destina los recursos económicos necesarios. Es necesaria una inversión para contar con los medios suficientes, tanto técnicos como humanos. El Índice de Compromiso Social del Cliente registró este año que solo 1 de cada 4 empresas realiza una inversión importante en este ámbito. El éxito de este servicio depende en gran medida de la apuesta económica que hagas.
  • Cuenta con el personal adecuado. ¿Te has parado a pensar que posiblemente la persona que atiende el teléfono en tu empresa no sea la más adecuada para gestionar la atención al cliente a través de las redes sociales? Puede que necesite formación para adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías y, sobretodo, asumir un nuevo rol. Los clientes esperan un trato de tú a tú en Social Media, que al otro lado haya alguien dispuesto a empatizar con ellos, que les entienda y se muestre dispuesto a ayudarles.
  • Utiliza herramientas útiles para desarrollar las funciones requeridas. Tanto de monitorización como de gestión de redes sociales o CRM social. Necesitas contar con un apoyo técnico, imprescindible para detectar las peticiones de los clientes, registrar la evolución de cada situación, conocer de antemano el histórico de cada cliente y ofrecerle una solución adecuada a sus intereses.

What to Send Email Contacts in Different Stages of the Marketing Funnel


A regular subscriber is the most basic type of contact you will have in your database. This is someone who has simply opted into your email communications, but you don't yet know much more about them, or how interested they are in your company.

What do you send subscribers?

Your priority is to send them something of value to encourage them to give you more information about themselves in exchange. For example, we will send our latest educational ebook to our subscriber base so that they will fill out a conversion form and tell us their business, role, etc. From there, we can tell which type of subscriber they truly are and send them more relevant content.


A lead is someone who has filled out a conversion form on your site and may be a potential customer for you.

What do you send leads?

You already know a bit about this person, so you're more able to tailor your follow-up based on their interests with something that's relevant to them. This is someone who is a potential customer but is only at the research phase, having downloaded some educational content from your site. Your goal, then, is to move them further down the sales and marketing funnel to make them more qualified for your sales team. Taking your goal and their interests, you can craft emails that combine content aligned with their interests (e.g. a case study on someone having success with social media marketing) along with calls-to-action aligned with your goals (e.g. a consultation with a specialist).

Qualified Lead (MQL or SAL)

Leads that have met some qualification criteria can move to a stage of Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) or Sales Accepted Lead (SAL). The qualification criteria are up to you, but essentially this is someone who is a *good* potential customer, and someone who warrants a sales follow-up.

What do you send qualified leads?

It depends, because now is the time to facilitate the handoff from marketing to sales. It's best to reinforce the call-to-action of talking to the appropriate sales rep, while giving this lead content that is still valuable to them, but more aligned with your product benefits. If you need help coming up with product marketing content, take a look at this blog post that outlines all of the different types you could create to send your MQLs and SALs.


An opportunity is someone who has successfully connected with a sales rep and is in a conversation that's working towards purchasing your product or service.

What do you send opportunities?

At this stage in particular, marketing is supporting the sales process. That may mean *not* sending content separately from the sales team, but rather, arming the sales team with the content their opportunities may request. This content includes case studies and product collateral and any very bottom-of-the-funnel content. Again, visit this blog post, "13 Types of Product Content Sales Needs to Close More Deals" if you're short on this type of content.


The customer stage is what we're all working toward -- having someone actually purchase your company's product or service and become a happy user. There is plenty of segmentation you can do among your customers: new customers, happy customers, repeat customers, etc., to better target these emails, too.

What do you send customers?

At this stage, a customer likely wants to keep learning from your educational content, but also wants to learn how specifically they can better use your product or service. Case studies are great to send for this, because they both motivate and educate your customers with product- or service-specific tie-ins.


The final -- and often underutilized -- contact type is the evangelist. Evangelists are subscribers that are not potential customers but are fans of your content. This may include press, influencers, job searchers, or even students. Evangelists are fantastic because they will download your content, share it, and possibly even write about you.

What do you send evangelists?

With evangelists, your goals are different - you want them to simply download and share your content. So, in your email communications, encourage them to do just that! Keep them in the loop about all your latest and greatest content (even consider getting them early access) and encourage them to share it with their networks. This will help grow the top of your funnel by expanding your reach and generating more subscribers.

5 desafios en el Marketing Online

1) Generar presencia e impulsar tráfico

¿Por qué es un reto? Antes de poder comenzar a generar clientes potenciales para su equipo de ventas para luego convertir en clientes, tenemos que conseguir realmente la atención de au audiencia y hacer que la gente interesada en nuestro negocio, producto o servicio. Muchos vendedores se enfrentan al reto de no tener un volumen suficientemente grande de posibles clientes interesados, mientras que otros simplemente no saben qué canales deben centrar sus esfuerzos en la máxima rentabilidad.

Solución: Con el fin de atraer un mayor volumen de personas interesadas, es necesario generar más conciencia a través de los diferentes canales que tenemos disponibles ¿Estás en las redes sociales adecuadas? (Los más adecuados son aquellos en los que esta nuestra audiencia.) ¿Tenemos un blog de negocios? ¿Vamos a crear contenidos educativos para proporcionar valor a nuestros lectores, ya sea para ayudar a resolver un problema o enseñarles más acerca de su industria? Utilice estas herramientas para ampliar la parte superior de su embudo de marketing, y difundir el conocimiento sobre su negocio. A continuación, puede utilizar el análisis para determinar qué canales están funcionando mejor, y centrar sus esfuerzos en torno a ellos.

2) Focalización efectiva

¿Por qué es un reto? La focalización es un componente clave de todos los aspectos del Marketing. Para ser más eficaz en la selección de beneficiarios, una de las primeras cosas tenemos que hacer es identificar sus los personajes que van a ser compradores para poder tener una idea que los intereses que estos puedan tener - con el fin de que alguien considere siquiera escuchar nuestros mensajes o leer el contenido, este tiene que ofrecer algún tipo de valor para ellos. Tiene que satisfacer una necesidad o deseo de ellos, probablemente para aprender o comprender algo acerca de nuestra industria o aliviar un problema que nuestro producto tiene como objetivo resolver. Y lo más importante,debemos asegurarse de que el mensaje y el valor que estamos ofreciendo son relevantes para nuestro público.

Solución: En primer lugar, desarrollar una imagen detallada de nuestro público objetivo. La mejor manera de entender a nuestro público es la construcción de personajes compradores con estos 3 pasos: 
  • Segmento demografíaco 
  • Identificar sus necesidades
  • Desarrollar perfiles basados en el comportamiento. 
Una vez que hayamos establecido nuestros personajes comprador, determinar lo que cada uno está buscando y cómo puede proporcionar valor a esa persona. La segmentación de la audiencia adecuada nos permitirá orientar el contenido más estrechamente para hacer que nuestro mensaje sea pertinente para cada individual. 

3) Uso de los medios sociales para generar clientes e ingresos

¿Por qué es un reto? Los medios de comunicación social fueron una vez un juguete nuevo y brillante. Pero al principio, muchas empresas no sabían que hacer en las redes sociales.  Todo eso ha cambiado. Ahora la mayoría de las empresas saben que hay un valor de negocio real en la comercialización de los medios de comunicación social, pero no saben cómo convertir el compromiso social en dinero. 

Solución: El futuro del marketing en medios sociales radica en la gestión inteligente de sus clientes sociales potenciales: la capacidad de reconocer los influyentes, grupos de segmentos de usuarios en función de su actividad social y los intereses, y el tiempo y manejar adecuadamente el seguimiento adecuado de comunicación.Comenzar la conversación con información específica y personalizada acerca de la actividad de esa persona. Por ejemplo, "Hola Juan, Gracias por compartir nuestro último ebook en Twitter! Realmente apreciamos su apoyo. ¿Le ha gustado la lectura? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta acerca de lo que podría ayudar a aclarar este punto?" Tal permite una personalización extrema de ventas para conectar mejor con sus clientes potenciales, y convertir más de ellos en clientes al comenzar la conversación con la información que es relevante para ellos. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo segmentar y nutrir sus contactos de redes sociales, descarga nuestro ebook gratis, 

4) Mantenerse al día con las tendencias y estrategias de marketing

¿Por qué es un reto? El marketing ha pasado por muchas transformaciones, sobre todo en la última década. Nuestro enfoque de marketing se ha desplazado de los medios impresos a los medios de comunicación en línea, y hemos sido testigos de la caída de la publicidad directa y llamadas en frío. ¿Por qué? Dado que la tecnología ha introducido nuevas herramientas que hacen que nuestra comunicación con los clientes potenciales de manera más eficiente y eficaz. Los medios sociales han aumentado como plataforma dominante para la comunicación de dos vías y recolección de información. Estos son sólo algunos de los cambios recientes de marketing ha atravesado, y todos los días, estamos viendo más y más cambios - nuevas tecnologías aparecen, se desarrollan diferentes estrategias, las nuevas tendencias surgen. Entonces, ¿cómo estar al día?

Solución: La clave del marketing eficaz es saber dónde está su audiencia, cómo proporcionar valor a los mismos, y cuáles son las mejores herramientas y métodos para hacerlo. Invertir un poco de tiempo a leer sobre los últimos avances en la industria de los blogs de marketing de gran autoridad.

5) Retorno de la inversión

¿Por qué es un reto? Con más y más avanzadas herramientas de análisis disponibles, los vendedores están llevando a cabo a un nivel más alto. Ya no es suficiente con que se haga marketing - usted debe ser capaz de medir y comprender el valor de cada uno de sus esfuerzos en términos de clientes potenciales, clientes e ingresos. Usted necesita demostrar que el retorno de la inversión es lo suficientemente alto como para justificar ese esfuerzo, tiempo y dinero.

Solución: Debemos ser capaz de atar todas las pistas con cliente, Así es como los vendedores pueden demostrar su valía, y entender cómo llegar de manera más eficiente a su público. Circuito cerrado cortes de marketing a través de la imprecisión generalizada de los mitos de marketing y suposiciones y revela datos reales sobre el éxito (o el fracaso) de sus esfuerzos de marketing. Utilice la analítica avanzada de marketing para el seguimiento de las actividades de marketing generación de clientes potenciales, clientes e ingresos. A continuación, seleccionar lo que funciona, y cortar lo que no.

Pinterest para Empresas.

Cómo convertir tu cuenta Pinterest personal en una cuenta de negocios

Paso 1: Vaya a business.pinterest.com y haga clic en el boton 'Convierte tu cuenta existente'  https://pinterest.com/business/convert/


Paso 2: A continuación, seleccione el "Tipo de Negocio", y actualizar su "Nombre del contacto" y "Dirección de correo electrónico", si es necesario.


Pinterest también le guía a través de la opción "Tipo de Negocio" que es más adecuado para usted, proporcionando ejemplos entre paréntesis al lado de cada tipo. También tenga en cuenta que el "Nombre del contacto" puede ser cualquier persona - no es mostrado públicamente. Para su dirección de correo electrónico, debe utilizar una dirección de correo de la empresa.

Paso 3: Siempre en la misma página, rellene el siguiente apartado: "Información del perfil".


Nada de esto tiene que cambiar a menos que no lo llene la primera vez que configure su cuenta, o si desea hacer cambios. Todo esto se muestra públicamente en su perfil , no aparecerá de forma diferente en su cuenta de nuevos negocios.

Paso 4: Vaya a la sección "Acuerdo", y lea el acuerdo. Entonces, de acuerdo. (O no, supongo, pero yo no te puedo ayudar desde allí.)

Una vez que haya aceptado los términos de Pinterest marcando la casilla de verificación, botón de la "Convertir Cuenta" se vuelve rojo, y se puede presionar para cambiar su cuenta personal Pinterest hasta ahora en una cuenta de negocio!

Nuevos recursos Pinterest y Herramientas para empresas

Junto con estos lanzamientos, Pinterest ha publicado algunos contenidos educativos - vale la pena visitar - que ayudará a las empresas a mejorar el uso de Pinterest

Los estudios de caso Pinterest

Podemos encontrar estos cuando visite business.pinterest.com y se desplácese hacia abajo por debajo. Como se puede ver, Pinterest cuenta con estudios de caso de cinco organizaciones diferentes:


Al hacer clic en el estudio de caso, se ofrece las mejores cosas que hacer en la barra de navegación izquierda. Jetsetter, por ejemplo, habla de cómo:
  • Cautivar al público
  • Fomentar la exploración del sitio
  • Utilice Comités de Grupo

Visiten todos los casos de estudio para aprender lo más que pueda sobre el uso Pinterest como un negocio, y luego hacer un buceo profundo en el estudio de caso que tiene los mismos objetivos de negocio .

Pinterest : Mejores Prácticas

Lo que funciona para las empresas en Pinterest lo podemos contener en cuatro secciones:

  • Contar la historia de su marca
  • La construcción de una comunidad en Pinterest
  • ¿Cómo enviar tráfico a su sitio?
  • Cómo analizar su presencia Pinterest para mejorarla

Anchor Text Will Be Replaced by Co-Citation

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

La tendencia en subestimar los tiempos, costos y riesgos para terminar tareas de futuras acciones

 La Ley de Hofstadter también es también llamada “falacia de planificación”. Y es bien conocida y documentada por los psicólogos. Es como si nos empeñásemos en engañarnos a sabiendas. Nos consta que siempre nos equivocamos en el tiempo que asignamos a nuestros proyectos. Tenemos la certeza de que siempre subestimamos ciertos procesos o simplemente los preterimos. Pero seguimos haciendo malas estimaciones. A nivel individual y, por supuesto, a nivel de organizaciones.

La falacia de la planificación es la tendencia a subestimar el tiempo para concluir una tarea. Ejemplos de la vida real en política pública, se puede incluir la construcción de la Ópera de Sídney, la cual se desfasó con muchos años con el cronograma planteado.

Una explicación, focalizada, puede explicar porque no se considera los riesgos fuera del proyecto. Las personas formulan planes para eliminar factores que ellos perciben como riesgos fuera de las especificaciones del proyecto. Adicionalmente, ellos pueden eliminar varios riesgos poco probables de alto impacto porque se piensa que no se van a presentar.

Más prosaicamente, los planificadores tienden a centrarse en el proyecto y sobreestiman o no consideran en las tareas tiempo por enfermedad, vacaciones, reuniones y otras eventualidades “overhead” . Los planificadores tienden a no planear los proyectos a un nivel de detalle que permita la estimación de las tareas individuales, como colocar un ladrillo sobre otro en una pared; lo que aumenta el optimismo y la parcialidad prohíbe el uso de indicadores reales, es como tomar el tiempo promedio de colocación de un ladrillo y multiplicarlo por la cantidad total de ladrillos.

Lovallo y Kahneman (2003) han ampliado la definición original de la falacia de planificación desde ser la tendencia en subestimar los tiempos, costos y riesgos para terminar tareas de futuras acciones y al mismo tiempo sobrestimar los beneficios de acciones similares. Según esta definición, la falacia de la planeación no solo resulta de incurrir en demoras, sino también incurrir encostos excesivos y reducir beneficios.


La tendencia en subestimar los tiempos, costos y riesgos para terminar tareas de futuras acciones

 La Ley de Hofstadter también es también llamada “falacia de planificación”. Y es bien conocida y documentada por los psicólogos. Es como si nos empeñásemos en engañarnos a sabiendas. Nos consta que siempre nos equivocamos en el tiempo que asignamos a nuestros proyectos. Tenemos la certeza de que siempre subestimamos ciertos procesos o simplemente los preterimos. Pero seguimos haciendo malas estimaciones. A nivel individual y, por supuesto, a nivel de organizaciones.

La falacia de la planificación es la tendencia a subestimar el tiempo para concluir una tarea. Ejemplos de la vida real en política pública, se puede incluir la construcción de la Ópera de Sídney, la cual se desfasó con muchos años con el cronograma planteado.

Una explicación, focalizada, puede explicar porque no se considera los riesgos fuera del proyecto. Las personas formulan planes para eliminar factores que ellos perciben como riesgos fuera de las especificaciones del proyecto. Adicionalmente, ellos pueden eliminar varios riesgos poco probables de alto impacto porque se piensa que no se van a presentar.

Más prosaicamente, los planificadores tienden a centrarse en el proyecto y sobreestiman o no consideran en las tareas tiempo por enfermedad, vacaciones, reuniones y otras eventualidades “overhead” . Los planificadores tienden a no planear los proyectos a un nivel de detalle que permita la estimación de las tareas individuales, como colocar un ladrillo sobre otro en una pared; lo que aumenta el optimismo y la parcialidad prohíbe el uso de indicadores reales, es como tomar el tiempo promedio de colocación de un ladrillo y multiplicarlo por la cantidad total de ladrillos.

Lovallo y Kahneman (2003) han ampliado la definición original de la falacia de planificación desde ser la tendencia en subestimar los tiempos, costos y riesgos para terminar tareas de futuras acciones y al mismo tiempo sobrestimar los beneficios de acciones similares. Según esta definición, la falacia de la planeación no solo resulta de incurrir en demoras, sino también incurrir encostos excesivos y reducir beneficios.


The srping of the 3rd year.


The srping of the 3rd year.


How much money do you need


What should everyone know about economics?

Economics has two main streams - Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. 

Micro deals with customer behavior, incentives, pricing, margins, etc. Macro deals with broad economies and larger things such as interest rates, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other  stuff you see in the business column of a newspaper. Micro is more useful for the managers and macro is more used by investors. Except for points 2 & 3, 

Macroeconomics in these points.

Law of Supply & Demand: This is the founding block of economics. Whenever supply of something increases its price decreases and whenever demand increases price increases. Thus, when you have excess production of corn, food prices decrease and vice versa. Think of this intuitively. You will find its applications in 1000s of places. 
Marginal Utility: Whenever you have more of something its use for you diminishes. Thus, a $100 would be more valuable when you earn $1000/month than when you earn $1 million/month. This is widely used in setting up prices. 

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): This is the fundamental measure of the size of an economy. This is conceptually equal to the sum of incomes of all people in the country or sum of the market value of all goods & services produced in that country. Right now US is the biggest economy in terms of GDP at around $14 trillion. That means, $14 trillion of value is produced in the US every year.

Growth rate: The growth of an economy is commonly measured in terms of GDP growth rate. Since GDP is a measure of national income, this growth rate is a rough proxy for how an average person's income grows every year. 

Inflation: You already know that the price of most products now are higher than in your grandfather's time. Inflation (measured in percent) is measure of how much a bunch of products have increased in price from last year. In mature economies, annual inflation is around 2% - that means on an average the prices of stuff goes up by 2% every year. The fundamental role of central banks is to manage this rate and keep it to a low positive number. Here are  the 100 year inflation numbers in the US. 

Interest Rates: When you loan money to somebody, you expect something extra in return. This excess is called the interest. Interest rate is a positive number that measures how much excess you will get. There are bunch of rates here. In the short term, this rate is usually set by the Central Banks. Right now it is close to zero. In the long term, this is set by the market and is dependent on inflation and the long term prospects of the economy. The mechanisms in which the central banks control the short term rates is called monetary policy.

Interest Rates vs. Inflation vs. growth: There almost an inverse relationship between interest rates & growth and interest rates also can affect inflation directly. Thus, when you increase interest rates inflation tend to come down, along with growth. One is good and other is bad. Thus, the constant tension on setting the interest rates. In the US, Federal Reserve sets the short term rates and one of the most watched economic news.

Fiscal Policy: Government can control the economy in a big way by adjusting its expenditure. The group of mechanisms using expenditure form the fiscal policy. When government spends more it can lead to more demand and that means more price increase. This means both high growth and high inflation. And it works in the reverse too. Thus, governments try to spend more during periods of low growth & low inflation and cut spending during periods of high growth & high inflation.

Business cycle: Economies have their periods of booms and bust in cycles of approximately 7 years long. At the start of the cycle it is a boom, then it gets to the top, then...

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

The single most valuable lesson you've learned in your professional life

Mentoring new hires.

Mentoring (and really managing) is an extremely high-leverage activity.  Over the course of a year, an employee will spend somewhere between 1880 to 2820 hours working (assuming 47 work-weeks and somewhere between 40-60 hours per week working).  Spending 1 hour every day for a month (20 hours) mentoring or training a new hire may seem like a lot of time, but it represents only about 1% of the total time the new hire will spend working his/her first year and yet can have a significant influence over the productivity and effectiveness on the other 99% of those hours.

Building tools and automating repetitive work.  

Coming from a software engineering background, one high-leverage activity that I tend to do is to build tools that reduce manual, repetitive work. I'm a little biased, but I'm a firm believer that everyone would benefit knowing a little bit about coding (see Computer Programming: Should most young people learn to code?), primarily because there are many fields not traditionally associated with computer science where a mindset of automation would have huge efficiency gains.  Don't do what a machine can do for you.

Invest in learning and in continuously improving.  

This falls in the bucket of "important and not urgent" tasks that Steven Covey describes in his time management matrix in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People [4, 5].  Learning never seems like an urgent task, and it's easy -- if you don't budget time for it -- to allow unimportant interruptions to dictate your schedule.  However, learning is what lets you improve your work productivity and increase the opportunities available, so it's a big high-leverage activity.

Actively prioritizing tasks based on estimated impact. 

 Deciding what I should work on next that would be the highest impact requires regularly reviewing (I try to do this at least weekly) what needs to get done and having the data to guide the decision-making.

Holding tech talks and writing guides to bring new hires on board. 

 Inspired by Google's training regimen, codelabs are documents that explain core software abstractions and concepts that we use, discuss the rationale for why we designed and used them, walk through the relevant code in the codebase, and provide a set of exercises to solidify understanding.  These took many people on the team many hours to write, but they provide a scalable and reusable resource that allow new hires to start on a consistent foundation and cut down the amount of time that each individual mentor needs to spend teaching the same concepts.

Pushing back on meetings without an agenda or meetings that you don't really need to be a part of.  

Poorly run meetings are negative leverage because they waste people's time.  Avoid those.  A corollary to this is defining and setting agendas for meetings that you hold so that you don't waste other people's time.

Spending time on interviews and improving interview processes.  

Conducting interviews is a huge amount of work.  Interviews interrupt your workday, and the hours spent talking with candidates, writing up feedback, and debriefing all add up to considerable amounts.  However, making sure that we're hiring the right people, that we have a good process in place,  and that people we hire are people that I would be excited to work with is essential to building a strong team and a strong product.  There have been many weeks where I've interviewed 4 candidates per week, and I think my personal record during the height of the recruiting season was doing 20 interviews in 20 consecutive workdays.

Smart people can still be:
  • stubborn and not willing to accept that they are wrong
  • apathetic and not care enough about what really matters
  • lazy at times and not put their heart into work
  • pushovers and let more assertive and confident people steer the ship in a less than excellent direction
  • myopic (figuratively) and lose sight of the larger picture
  • negative and not see how much progress they've made
  • selfish and not be team players
  • narcissistic and obsess over their greatness