sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

ROI is not hard to measure in social media. ROI is hard to measure in marketing in general.

  • 73% of CEO’s think marketers do not generate growth as they should and 77% think marketers don’t talk about sales, which is the only reason why a company is talking marketing in the first place (Although is worth mentioning that I know more than one CEO that is highly distracted by shiny numbers)
  • Most marketers talk about Fans/Followers, web traffic and social mention
  • There are some good examples of how sales are directly affecting business revenue like the Jimmy Choo Twitter campaign, which represented a 33% increase in actual sales
  • 40% of Facebook users that has Liked a brand did it to receive discounts and promotions while only 13% did it to interact with the brand
  • Social media offers companies other beneficial aspects that are not directly related to revenue such as a great vehicle for customer support, increased brand equity or market research.

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